Giving Pacific research greater reach
Dr Gerry Cotterell, Research Operations Manager, New Zealand Institute for Pacific Research
New Zealand Institute for Pacific Research
Launched in March 2016, the New Zealand Institute for Pacific Research (NZIPR) is a national institute aimed at promoting and supporting excellence in Pacific research, in order to deliver a world-class research programme focused on Pacific development, investment and foreign-policy issues. Key support partners are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Pacific Cooperation Foundation. The NZIPR comprises a consortium made up of the University of Auckland, Otago University and the Auckland University of Technology. Together the university partners bring expansive and unique Pacific research capacity and relationships, as well as educating three quarters of New Zealand’s Pacific students and employing ninety percent of New Zealand’s academics of Pacific Island descent.
Pacific research repository
As part of its mandate, NZIPR was charged with establishing a repository to enable the collection, collation, and dissemination of research data and outputs. NZIPR worked with the Centre for eResearch to connect with the Analysis & Policy Observatory (APO) in order to host the Repository (Figure 1). APO is a not-for-profit, open access research collection and information service curating key resources to support evidence-informed policy and practice.
This collection contains a wide range of digitised documents, government records, research reports, postgraduate theses and more. As a repository for the New Zealand Institute for Pacific Research, the collection plays a key role in disseminating public policy information from the NZIPR partners, together with relevant content by researchers in the Pacific and beyond. Using the collection repository with the website portal ensures there are tools to publish, search, manage and track content, people and organizations.
Access to the repository is seamlessly integrated from within the portal (http://www.nzipr.ac.nz) to the repository (http://apo.org.au/collections/pacific-research), making it simple to go from searching to discovery and utilization of the information. The repository will be expanded over time as more resources are located.

Figure 1. NZIPR Pacific Research Collection hosted at APO.
See more case study projects

Our Voices: using innovative techniques to collect, analyse and amplify the lived experiences of young people in Aotearoa

Painting the brain: multiplexed tissue labelling of human brain tissue to facilitate discoveries in neuroanatomy

Detecting anomalous matches in professional sports: a novel approach using advanced anomaly detection techniques

Benefits of linking routine medical records to the GUiNZ longitudinal birth cohort: Childhood injury predictors

Using a virtual machine-based machine learning algorithm to obtain comprehensive behavioural information in an in vivo Alzheimer’s disease model

Mapping livability: the “15-minute city” concept for car-dependent districts in Auckland, New Zealand

Travelling Heads – Measuring Reproducibility and Repeatability of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Dementia

Novel Subject-Specific Method of Visualising Group Differences from Multiple DTI Metrics without Averaging

Re-assess urban spaces under COVID-19 impact: sensing Auckland social ‘hotspots’ with mobile location data

Aotearoa New Zealand’s changing coastline – Resilience to Nature’s Challenges (National Science Challenge)

Proteins under a computational microscope: designing in-silico strategies to understand and develop molecular functionalities in Life Sciences and Engineering

Coastal image classification and nalysis based on convolutional neural betworks and pattern recognition

Determinants of translation efficiency in the evolutionarily-divergent protist Trichomonas vaginalis

Measuring impact of entrepreneurship activities on students’ mindset, capabilities and entrepreneurial intentions

Using Zebra Finch data and deep learning classification to identify individual bird calls from audio recordings

Automated measurement of intracranial cerebrospinal fluid volume and outcome after endovascular thrombectomy for ischemic stroke

Using simple models to explore complex dynamics: A case study of macomona liliana (wedge-shell) and nutrient variations

Fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling of permeability enhancement by the finite element method

Modelling dual reflux pressure swing adsorption (DR-PSA) units for gas separation in natural gas processing

Molecular phylogenetics uses genetic data to reconstruct the evolutionary history of individuals, populations or species

Wandering around the molecular landscape: embracing virtual reality as a research showcasing outreach and teaching tool