Our Voices: using innovative techniques to collect, analyse and amplify the lived experiences of young people in Aotearoa
Our Voices: using innovative techniques to collect, analyse and amplify the lived experiences of young people in Aotearoa Assoc Prof Kane Meissel1, Assoc Prof Polly Atatoa-Carr2, Prof Chris Cunningham3, Prof Yun Sing Koh4, Dr Emma Marks5, Prof Susan Morton6, Dr...
Southern Right Whale Tohora project
Southern Right Whale Tohora project Assoc Prof Emma Carroll and Prof Rochelle Constantine, School of Biological Sciences Home • Archive for "2024" Image created to Carlos Olavarria, Southern Great Whales, Auckland Islands Team 2009 Background...
Asthma exacerbations in New Zealand 2010-2019: a national population-based study
Asthma exacerbations in New Zealand 2010-2019: a national population-based study Amy Hai Yan Chan1*, Andrew Tomlin1*, Kebede Beyene1,2, Jeff Harrison1 *Joint first authors 1School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland, Auckland,...
The impact of upzoning on housing construction in Auckland
Housing has become prohibitively expensive in many of the world’s major cities, precipitating serious and widespread housing affordability crises

Extended reality is turning cancer research into a team sport
The Mixed-Reality tool for the Tumour Evolution Project is a unique, real-world application of design in cancer research.

Analysis of incidents on New Zealand beaches
The main hazard on beach incidents to humans occurring on open coast beaches is identified with the presence of rip currents, while other hazards related to beach activities tend to play a minor role.

Painting the brain: multiplexed tissue labelling of human brain tissue to facilitate discoveries in neuroanatomy
Multiplex labelling technology that generates spatial maps of large numbers of proteins can facilitate discoveries in neuroanatomy and the study of neurodegenerative diseases.

Decoding the work-from-home phenomenon: insights from location-based service data
The global pandemic has catalysed a shift in the job market, with remote work evolving from being an option to a widespread practice.