VRhook: A Data Collection Tool for VR Motion Sickness Research
Elliott Wen, Research Fellow, Auckland Bioengineering Institute
VR gaming has been gaining widespread popularity in recent years, with the annual market revenue projected to reach $84 billion by 2028 [1]. However, up to 40% of users suffer from VR motion sickness with symptoms like fatigue, disorientation, and nausea [2, 3]. These adverse effects can severely undermine the user experience. To inform users about potential motion sickness, VR game stores like Oculus and Steam display a comfort rating for each game. These comfort ratings are determined by human experts who can identify common risk factors inside the application, such as frequent multi-axis rotation, excessive movement speed, and use of wide field of view [4]. However, a significant drawback of this approach is the highly labor-intensive rating process, which does not scale with the growing game industry.
Recently, researchers have proposed the use of machine learning approaches to identify the presence of motion sickness [5, 6]. Despite the progress made, many of these studies pointed out that their models are constrained by the size of training datasets. To improve the model generalization, they need to acquire larger datasets, containing many thousands of video clips of VR experiences and the corresponding risk factors [7]. Unfortunately, conventional data acquisition strategies cannot meet this requirement. Manual annotation by human experts is expensive and does not scale. An alternative is to use custom-made VR games for data collection, however this could create generalizability issues. Finally, modifying existing VR games to extract the data would require source code access, which is practically impossible due to the proprietary nature of the games.
To overcome these challenges, we present a novel data collection tool named VRhook, which can automatically extract labeled data from a wide range of real-world VR games without accessing their source codes (see Figure 1). This is achieved via Dynamic Hooking [8], where we inject custom code into run-time memory to intercept low-level graphics pipeline data, particularly video frames and their associated transformation matrices. In computer graphics, transformation matrices apply motion effects to 3D models and project them into a two dimensional video frame for presentation. The matrices thus can be used to extract many useful labels such as rotation, speed, and acceleration, which have been linked to motion sickness [9, 10]. In addition to data capturing, our tool can inject additional rendering commands to display in-game overlay information. This allows us to incorporate a previously validated dial mechanism. [11] to collect self-reported comfort scores from users. By combining the extracted labels, the self-reported comfort scores, and the video frames, we can construct many motion sickness detection models from prior work. In this way, our tool could stimulate new machine learning based research on VR sickness.

Figure 1: Backbone techniques of our data collection tool
GPU support from Nectar
In our work, we implement VRhook on Nectar GPU instances. We automate the execution and generate a dataset from 5 real-world roller coaster games. On average each game lasted for 4 minutes. In total, we gathered approximately 1200 one second video clips. Each clip contained 180 video frames (90 for each eye) at a resolution of 1832 × 960. These frames’ MVP matrices were recorded and analyzed to generate three types of binary labels for each clip, including 1) fast/slow speed, 2) fast / slow acceleration, and 3) multiple-axis rotation detected / not detected. Using this dataset, we further develop a machine learning based pipeline to detect the presence of factors that contribute to motion sickness and predict the comfort score for a given game play video as shown in Figure 2. We used two V100 32 GB GPUs from Nectar cloud to train the model. We set the number of epochs to 5 and the batch size to 32. The learning rate was 1e−4 and the training wall time was 12 hours. The performance of our system is shown in Table 1. We managed to publish this work at The ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2022). We really appreciate valuable technical support from many friendly CeR staff members in the Nectar cloud.

Table 1: Pipeline performance

Figure 2: Machine Learning ppeline run in Nectar GPUs.
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