MFT-ICR mass spectrometry data management and analysis workflow
Mass spectrometry (MS) is an analytical technique that ionizes chemical species and sorts the ions based on their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z). In addition to the m/z value, the natural abundance of atomic isotopes provides a unique fingerprint for each ion.

Taking a ‘Big Data’ approach to find new clinical-omic associations in cancer
Taking a ‘Big Data’ approach to find new clinical-omic associations in cancer Nicholas Knowlton, Peter Tsai and Professor Cris Print, Molecular Medicine and Pathology Home • Archive for "Department of Molecular Medicine And Pathology" Cancer cells....
Growing Up in New Zealand
Growing Up in New Zealand Peter Tricker, Data and System Manager, Growing up in New Zealand, UniServices Home • Archive for "Training and Enablement" Overview The Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) longitudinal study was designed explicitly to understand...
Improving arrival time predictions for vehicles in a public transport network
Improving arrival time predictions for vehicles in a public transport network Tom Elliott, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Statistics Home • Archive for "Department of Statistics" Predicting the arrival time of buses In recent years, vehicle tracking...
Distributed and cloud-based control at field-level for systems interacting with soft bodies
Distributed and cloud-based control at field-level for systems interacting with soft bodies David Tomzik, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Mechanical Engineering Home • Archive for "Research Cloud" Addressing the need for increased flexibility in...
Mobile Click Fraud Attack (MCFA)
Mobile Click Fraud Attack (MCFA) Elliott Wen, Doctoral Candidate; Dr Gerald Weber, Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science Home • Archive for "Data Storage" A series threat: Mobile Click Fraud Attack Nowadays, Mobile Click Fraud Attack (MCFA) is...
Skin-omics: exploring the volatile organic compounds on human skin
Skin-omics: exploring the volatile organic compounds on human skin Nita McKenzie, Student, Liggins Institute; Dr Chris Pook, Research Technician, Auckland University of Technology; Dr Elizabeth McKenzie, Postdoctoral Fellow, Liggins Institute (Project Leader)...
New analytics tools for workload planning for the 2018 New Zealand Census
New analytics tools for workload planning for the 2018 New Zealand Census Associate Professor Andrew Mason, Engineering Science; Geoff Leyland, Incremental Ltd.; Chris Hodgins, John Crequer, Craig Lange, Hayley Gargiulo, Philippa Sowman and Chris Deake, Statistics New...