Auckland housing and land use geo-data

Auckland housing and land use geo-data

Research digital skills training 2021 Auckland housing and land use geo-data Project team: Associate Prof Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy, Dr James Jones, Research Fellow, Dist Prof Peter Phillips, Economics, Faculty of Business and EconomicsGeocoding support: Nick Young and...
Rapid monitoring of infrastructural health using remote sensing

Rapid monitoring of infrastructural health using remote sensing

Research digital skills training 2021 Rapid monitoring of infrastructural health using remote sensing Dr Lucas Hogan. Lecturer, Dr Max Stephens, Lecturer, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Dr Chris Seal, Centre for eResearch Home • Archive for "case...
Enhancing Spontaneous Recovery after Stroke Study (ESPRESSo)

Enhancing Spontaneous Recovery after Stroke Study (ESPRESSo)

Research digital skills training 2021 Enhancing Spontaneous Recovery after Stroke Study (ESPRESSo) Prof Winston Byblow, Principal Investigator, Exercise Sciences, Prof Cathy Stinear & Prof Alan Barber, Medicine; A/Prof Arier Lee, Biostatistician, University of...