Quantifying gas narcosis in compressed gas diving
The onset of narcosis symptoms is expected around 30 metres (405 kPa) when breathing air. The principal hazard of gas narcosis is euphoria, overconfidence, and loss of judgment.
The onset of narcosis symptoms is expected around 30 metres (405 kPa) when breathing air. The principal hazard of gas narcosis is euphoria, overconfidence, and loss of judgment.
This research focuses on wellbeing as an indicator of quality of life, we aim to create a nationwide dataset that can be used to understand wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The REACH Research Group investigates how couples and families can overcome emotional, attachment and relationship difficulties to effectively support each other and resolve conflicts to enhance their health and wellbeing.
Understanding the dynamics near heteroclinic networks is currently an active area of mathematical research, but the focus of the current project is somewhat different.