Generating 3D point clouds of Māori stone artefacts for machine learning training
Generating 3D point clouds of Māori stone artefacts for machine learning training Dr Mike laverick, Senior Solutions Specialist, Centre for eResearch Reconstruct broken cultural artefacts The project was a collaboration between Archaeology, Bioengineering and...
VRhook: A Data Collection Tool for VR Motion Sickness Research
VR gaming has been gaining widespread popularity in recent years. However, up to 40% of users suffer from VR motion sickness. The adverse effects can severely undermine the user experience. Recently, researchers have proposed the use of machine learning approaches to identify the presence of motion sickness.

Novel Subject-Specific Method of Visualising Group Differences from Multiple DTI Metrics without Averaging
Developing a novel technique that integrates diffusion tensor (DTI) metrics along the whole volumes of the Fibre bundle using a mesh-fitting technique.

Mathematically modelling gastrointestinal electrical activity
Mathematically modelling gastrointestinal electrical activity Shameer Sathar, Jerry Gao, Mark Trew, Leo Cheng, Auckland Bioengineering Institute Home • Archive for "Auckland Bioengineering Institute" The gastrointestinal system The gastrointestinal (GI)...