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Number theoretic algorithms in cryptography

Number theoretic algorithms in cryptography

Number theoretic algorithms in cryptography Shi Bai, Steven D. Galbraith, Department of Mathematics Home • Archive for "Department of Mathematics" Modern public-key cryptography is about communication in the presence of adversaries, allowing users to...
Testing what cosmic inflation really predicts

Testing what cosmic inflation really predicts

Testing what cosmic inflation really predicts Layne Price, Department of Physics Home • Archive for "Department of Physics" Overview A period of accelerated expansion in the early universe has recently received outstanding support from precision...
ARCI, archaeology eResearch collaboration initiative

ARCI, archaeology eResearch collaboration initiative

ARCI, archaeology eResearch collaboration initiative Joshua Emmitt, Graduate Teaching Assistant; Dr Rebecca Phillipps, Research Fellow; Prof Simon Holdaway; School of Social Sciences; Sina Masoud-Ansari, eResearch Support; Prof Mark Gahegan, Centre for eResearch...