Data maturity project in High Value Nutrition, National Science Challenge
Grow the science excellence and knowledge Aotearoa New Zealand needs to create and deliver food to the world that people choose to stay healthy and well.

NETwork! analysis in cancer – managing genomics research data and building a repository workflow
NETwork! analysis in cancer – managing genomics research data and building a repository workflow Professor Cristin Print, Dr Nicholas Knowlton, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences Home • Archive for "Research Data" NETwork! A New Zealand wide...
An Archaeological database for threatened North Island rock art in New Zealand
With over 700 sites containing thousands of figures, New Zealand has one of the largest bodies of rock art in Polynesia.

Quality of care and outcomes in children with cleft lip and/or palate
Quality of care and outcomes in children with cleft lip and/or palate Louise Ayrey, Project Manager, PhD candidate, Department of Paediatrics – Child and Youth Health Home • Archive for "Research Data" Objectives This study has two main objectives...
Passive acoustic modelling
Passive acoustic modelling Ivan Braga Campos, PhD Candidate, Dr Anne Gaskett, Senior Lecturer, Professor William Lee, Landcare Research / University of Auckland, Dr Louis Ranjard, The Australian National University, Canberra Home • Archive for "Research...
Taking a ‘Big Data’ approach to find new clinical-omic associations in cancer
Taking a ‘Big Data’ approach to find new clinical-omic associations in cancer Nicholas Knowlton, Peter Tsai and Professor Cris Print, Molecular Medicine and Pathology Home • Archive for "Department of Molecular Medicine And Pathology" Cancer cells....