Planet hunting Philip Yock, Department of Physics Home • Archive for "Department of Physics" Using microlensing to detect planets Astronomers and philosophers have long thought about planets like ours, possibly inhabited, orbiting the stars of the night...
Simulating quantum mechanics on high performance computing cluster Arne L. Grimsmo, Department of Physics. Home • Archive for "Department of Physics" Emerging advances in laboratory methods allowing fundamental laws of nature to be studies more closely...
Multiscale modelling of saliva secretion James Sneyd, Department of Mathematics, University of Auckland; David Yule, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Rochester; John Rugis, New Zealand eScience Infrastructure Home • Archive for...
Modelling dual reflux pressure swing adsorption (DR-PSA) units for gas separation in natural gas processing George Zhang, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering Home • Archive for "2014" Pressure swing adsorption is an alternative gas...
Improving the treatment of heart disease Susann Beier, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences Home • Archive for "Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences" Coronary artery disease is the most common killer in the Western world. One in four people will die...
Estimating migration rates in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sarah Knight, School of Biological Sciences Home • Archive for "2014" Background Eukaryotic microbes are key ecosystem drivers, but we have little theory and few data elucidating...
Number theoretic algorithms in cryptography Shi Bai, Steven D. Galbraith, Department of Mathematics Home • Archive for "Department of Mathematics" Modern public-key cryptography is about communication in the presence of adversaries, allowing users to...
Molecular phylogenetics uses genetic data to reconstruct the evolutionary history of individuals, populations or species Stephane Guindon, Department of Statistics Home • Archive for "2014" Understanding biological processes generally involves the...
Phylogeny and phylogeography of the family kyphosidae (Perciformes: teleostei) Steen Wilhelm Knudsen, School of Biological Sciences Home • Archive for "2014" Introduction Comparing DNA sequences of multiple genes in various species is commonly applied...
Testing what cosmic inflation really predicts Layne Price, Department of Physics Home • Archive for "Department of Physics" Overview A period of accelerated expansion in the early universe has recently received outstanding support from precision...