Developing virtual capabilities for the Science Payload Operations Centre
How does the CYGNSS mission make innovative use of GNSS signals?

The future of memory: Neuroimaging memory and imagination with functional MRI
The future of memory: Neuroimaging memory and imagination with functional MRI Professor Donna Rose Addis, School of Psychology, Faculty of Science; Associate Director, Centre for Brain Research, University of Auckland Home • Archive for "Research Data"...
Improving diagnosis for schistosomiasis by using the ‘metabolic footprint’ of urine samples from an animal model of Schistosoma infection to identify possible biomarkers
Improving diagnosis for schistosomiasis by using the ‘metabolic footprint’ of urine samples from an animal model of Schistosoma infection to identify possible biomarkers Rodrigo Loyo, Masters student, Brazil; Dr Augusto Barbosa, Supervisor, Biology Sciences; Dr...
MFT-ICR mass spectrometry data management and analysis workflow
Mass spectrometry (MS) is an analytical technique that ionizes chemical species and sorts the ions based on their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z). In addition to the m/z value, the natural abundance of atomic isotopes provides a unique fingerprint for each ion.