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Digital video and the early learning lab

Digital video and the early learning lab

The Early Learning Lab, Auckland (ELLA) is a research group in The School of Psychology devoted to better understanding infant and child development based on groups of children and often involve playing interactive games, watching videos, solving puzzles, or discussions about actions and events they’ve observed.

Giving Pacific research greater reach

Giving Pacific research greater reach

the New Zealand Institute for Pacific Research (NZIPR) was charged with establishing a repository to enable the collection, collation, and dissemination of research data and outputs. NZIPR worked with the Centre for eResearch to connect with the Analysis & Policy Observatory (APO) in order to host a not-for-profit, open access research collection and information service repository.

Data management planning for MOA*

Data management planning for MOA*

Data management planning for MOA* *Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA) Dr Nicholas Rattenbury, Physics, University of Auckland; Associate Professor Ian Bond, Institute of Natural & Mathematical Sciences, Massey. Research data management designed by Rob...
Research data publishing  and preservation at COMPASS

Research data publishing and preservation at COMPASS

Research data publishing and preservation at COMPASS Dr Matthew Moore, Research IT Specialist, Centre for eResearch, University of Auckland Home • Archive for "Training and Enablement" COMPASS data repository The Centre of Methods and Policy Application...
Passive acoustic modelling

Passive acoustic modelling

Passive acoustic modelling Ivan Braga Campos, PhD Candidate, Dr Anne Gaskett, Senior Lecturer, Professor William Lee, Landcare Research / University of Auckland, Dr Louis Ranjard, The Australian National University, Canberra Home • Archive for "Research...