12 LABOURS – Enabling development and clinical translation of virtual human twins Dr Thiranja P. Babarenda Gamage, Chinchien Lin, Linkun Gao, Dr Jiali Xu, Dr Ayah Elsayed, Alan Wu, Mathilde Verlyck, Dr Greg Sands, Koray Atalag, Misty Edmonds, Assoc Prof Anthony...
Unravelling a clot-less link between atrial fibrillation and dementia Assoc Prof James Fisher, Physiology Introduction Atrial fibrillation (AF) affects one in four middle-aged adults during their lifetime, and its incidence is expected to double in the next 20...
Investigation of how VR/XR impact people’s cognition, sensory perception and movement choices Dr Becca Weber, Senior Lecturer, Dance Studies Programme; Assoc Prof Danielle Lottridge, School of Computer Science; Dr Mike Laverick, Senior Solutions Specialist,...
New Zealand coastline mapping, monitoring and updating – Resilience to Nature’s Challenges (RNC) Dr Emma Ryan, Senior Lecturer, Prof Mark Dickson, School of Environment Home • Archive for "case study" Coastal change since 1940s,...
Generating 3D point clouds of Māori stone artefacts for machine learning training Dr Mike laverick, Senior Solutions Specialist, Centre for eResearch Reconstruct broken cultural artefacts The project was a collaboration between Archaeology, Bioengineering and...
Automating data collection and generation for the Rongowai mission Dr Mike laverick, Senior Solutions Specialist, Centre for eResearch CeR helps support a wide range of digital research services at the University of Auckland including software upskilling, research...
Māori Pronunciation Aid Tool The Curious Minds development team:Prof Catherine Watson, Isabella Shields, Department of Electrical, Computer and Software EngineeringAssoc Prof Peter Keegan, Te Puna Wananga Dr Justin Hui, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Brooke...
Our changing coast – sea level rise on Aotearoa’s dynamic margin Professor Giovanni Coco, School of Environment, Nick Young, Centre for eResearch Background The Te Ao Hou, Our Changing Coast (OCC) programme provides innovative insights into our evolving coastal...
Seeding Through Feeding (SUN) project in High Value Nutrition – National Science Challenge Principal Investigator: Professor Clare Wall, University of Auckland Home • Project Background The aim of this research is to explore the impact of...
Building resilience in young people through sensing technology Dr Rosie Dobson,1,2 Taria Tane,1 Melanie Stowell,3 Prof Judith McCool,1 Prof Warren J,4 Prof Robyn Whittaker.1,21. School of Population Health, University of Auckland, New Zealand2. Evidence, Research and...