Molecular phylogenetics uses genetic data to reconstruct the evolutionary history of individuals, populations or species Stephane Guindon, Department of Statistics Home • Archive for "2014" Understanding biological processes generally involves the...
Phylogeny and phylogeography of the family kyphosidae (Perciformes: teleostei) Steen Wilhelm Knudsen, School of Biological Sciences Home • Archive for "2014" Introduction Comparing DNA sequences of multiple genes in various species is commonly applied...
Testing what cosmic inflation really predicts Layne Price, Department of Physics Home • Archive for "Department of Physics" Overview A period of accelerated expansion in the early universe has recently received outstanding support from precision...
Multigene environmental DNA data analysis for New Zealand genomic observatory Alexei Drummond, Dong Xie, Department of Computer Science, Andrew Dopheide, School of Biological Sciences, NZGO (Genomicobservatory ) team Home • Archive for "NZGO" The...
Finding genetic variants responsible for human disease hiding in universe of benign variants Klaus Lehnert and Russell Snell, Jessie Jacobsen and Brendan Swan, School of Biological Sciences Home • Archive for "2014" Introduction and research Our...
BEAST, Bayesian evolutionary analysis sampling trees Alexei Drummond, Bioinformatics, Department of Computer Science Home • Archive for "Department of Computer Science" BEAST is a cross-platform program for Bayesian MCMC analysis of molecular sequences....
The formation of surface archaeological deposits in arid Australia Ben Davies, School of Social Sciences Home • Archive for "School of Social Sciences" How does the archaeological record form? The deposits that archaeologists study are the product of...
Statistical modelling of carryover effects after cessation of treatments S. Gwynn Sturdevant, PhD candidate, Department of Statistics Home • Archive for "2015" Hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes are responsible for significant mortality,...
High-resolution cryo-electron microscopy of protein complexes and machines Dr Ambroise Desfosses, Research Fellow, Hari Venugopal, Teaching and Research Technician, Assoc Prof Alok K. Mitra, Department of Biological Sciences Home • Archive for "2015"...
ARCI, archaeology eResearch collaboration initiative Joshua Emmitt, Graduate Teaching Assistant; Dr Rebecca Phillipps, Research Fellow; Prof Simon Holdaway; School of Social Sciences; Sina Masoud-Ansari, eResearch Support; Prof Mark Gahegan, Centre for eResearch...