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Automating data collection and generation for the Rongowai mission

Automating data collection and generation for the Rongowai mission

Automating data collection and generation for the Rongowai mission Dr Mike laverick, Senior Solutions Specialist, Centre for eResearch CeR helps support a wide range of digital research services at the University of Auckland including software upskilling, research...
Māori Pronunciation Aid Tool

Māori Pronunciation Aid Tool

Māori Pronunciation Aid Tool The Curious Minds development team:Prof Catherine Watson, Isabella Shields, Department of Electrical, Computer and Software EngineeringAssoc Prof Peter Keegan, Te Puna Wananga Dr Justin Hui, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Brooke...
Southern Right Whale Tohora project

Southern Right Whale Tohora project

Southern Right Whale Tohora project Assoc Prof Emma Carroll and Prof Rochelle Constantine, School of Biological Sciences   Home • Archive for "2024" Image created to Carlos Olavarria, Southern Great Whales, Auckland Islands Team 2009 Background...
Analysis of incidents on New Zealand beaches

Analysis of incidents on New Zealand beaches

The main hazard on beach incidents to humans occurring on open coast beaches is identified with the presence of rip currents, while other hazards related to beach activities tend to play a minor role.