Research IT Advisory

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Research Hub

Many fields of research are experiencing the need for significant support due to the availability of increasingly larger and richer data sources, computational analysis, simulation and modelling. In order to be able to participate in these developments, researchers need an easily accessible information platform with regards to what facilities, tools, services and support are available to them. The Centre has been working with various IT providers across the University including ITS, NeSI, Faculty IS and the Libraries and Learning Services to consolidate these research IT services in a one-stop Research Hub to enable researchers to find these tools and services more easily.

Advisory services

In addition, we also provide research advisory in digital services; to connect researchers with various digital platforms and solutions, and support an infrastructure of the highest quality possible to support teaching, learning, and research at the University of Auckland. We provide free advisory services which may include, but are not limited to:

  • Cloud computing access and support.
  • Training and access to visualisation suite, equipment and tools.
  • Advise on managing and planning your data, and applying for research data storage and data transfer.
  • Advice on developing analytical workflows and data pathways.


Contracted projects

Any in-depth support and software development projects will require separate funding – see contracted projects. You could also read about case studies for some of the free Research IT Advisory projects below.


Case studies of Research IT Advisory

Mobile Click Fraud Attack (MCFA)

In an attack such as Click Fraud, malicious individuals repeatedly generate click events on mobile applications with the intention to increase revenues or exert personal influence.

Distributed and cloud-based control at field-level for systems interacting with soft bodies

Systems that interact with soft bodies can face significant challenges. In the areas of agriculture (e.g. fruit harvesting, meat processing) and medical engineering, ill-defined, varying properties of objects and environment pose an obstacle for possible automation.

The future of memory: Neuroimaging memory and imagination with functional MRI

Neuroimaging is a critical method for understanding brain function and the field of cognitive neuroscience. In the Memory Lab, we use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure the blood oxygenation level dependent response (the fMRI signal) to cognitive tasks such as remembering the past and imagining the future.