Waikato report on deprivation an ‘eye opener’

Press Release: Waikato Regional Council, Monday, 28 May 2018, 11:08 am
Areas within the Waikato region rank among the most deprived areas in New Zealand, according to a Waikato report on the new Index of Multiple Deprivation*.The report called Socioeconomic Deprivation in the Waikato Region – using the Index of Multiple Deprivation to understand the drivers of deprivation was presented to the Waikato Plan Strategic Partners’ Forum at Waikato Regional Council. Waikato Plan programme manager Rachael McMillan, who wrote and presented the report, told those in attendance that it is easy to focus on deprivation at a regional scale but miss pockets at a local level that deserve greater government attention. Read more detail here. *The Index of Multiple Deprivation is an interactive web tool which was a research project collaborated between Dr. Danniel Exeter from Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and the Centre for eResearch, the University of Auckland.