What is eResearch?
The concept
Computers and the Internet are now an integral part of the modern researcher’s toolbox, allowing the easy collection, analysis and sharing of large datasets, covering everything from photos and video collections, social statistics, instrument data, through to computational analysis and simulations.
Virtual, augmented and mixed realities provide new ways to visualise data and present the outputs of your research, spanning all disciplines from engineering, science, medicine through to the arts. Ultra high definition displays, 3D, and tile wall displays, help visualize very large data sets.
Machine learning is a technique for finding patterns in large data sets, or automating a human. Modelling financial markets, archaeology from space, behavioural studies, predictors of disease, and astrophysics are some of the varied areas this technique has been applied to.
Publishing data alongside your research papers is becoming a requirement by funders and publishers as a form of validation of the research. Open sharing of your data (allowing for an embargo period, to allow you to publish) has been shown to benefit citations of papers, and is now a requirement by some funders, and is strongly encouraged by the University. The Centre for eResearch, working with the Library can provide guidance on data management, from collection through to publication.
Our services
The Centre for eResearch provides the following digital skills and platforms for supporting your research.
- High Performance Computing ( via NeSI)
- NeCTAR cloud services
- Virtual machines (Bigger, more powerful desktops)
- Visualisation and analytics ( Huge displays, virtual, augmented and mixed realities )
- Machine learning – Deep learning
- Research Data and Artifacts storage, management, curation and publication
- Education and consulting support
- eResearch community support
See more case study projects

Fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling of permeability enhancement by the finite element method

Modelling dual reflux pressure swing adsorption (DR-PSA) units for gas separation in natural gas processing

Molecular phylogenetics uses genetic data to reconstruct the evolutionary history of individuals, populations or species

Wandering around the molecular landscape: embracing virtual reality as a research showcasing outreach and teaching tool